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"AXIS OF EVIL" unofficial George W. Bush 2004 campaign pins

"Any country on the face of the earth with an active intelligence program knows they [IRAQ] have weapons of mass destruction." - Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld (December 2002)

"Any person on the face of the earth with an active television or ability to read the newspaper knows that [IRAQ] have [no] weapons of mass destruction." - Anyone with a TV or newspaper

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"I believe that you are an extremely ignorant kid who should take his own advice and think for himself rather than swallow all the democratic deception that the media shoves down your throat." - Clarke

So you are saying I should just go with the obvious lies of the Bush tyranny? I have hated Bush ever sense he weaseled his way into the white house (thanks brother Jeb for giving me Florida). I'm not influenced by the media. I wasn't influenced by all the patriotic rhetoric shoved down our throats when 911 happened (single event that saved Bush in my opinion). I was against the war in Iraq from the start and attended the local antiwar march (those guys yelling at us that we needed to attack Iraq because "freedom isn't free" must feel pretty foolish now! I can remember the news just before the war went something like this: Bush calls Iraq Evil... Iraq allows inspectors back in for first time in years... Bush says Iraq isn't cooperating... Saddam says he wants to talk it over with Bush... Inspectors find no weapons in Iraq except over-ranged conventional missiles which are destroyed by Iraq officials... Bush lies to the whole world and then attacks Iraq... One year, 10,000 civilian and 500 US military lives, and several chief weapons inspectors later (all of which came out convinced that Iraq never had WMD) Bush's lies are exposed. Go check out the archives of the news headlines on to see video of weapons inspectors saying that there were no weapons and Bush at the same time saying that they did (now we know who was telling the truth)! - Jesse Palmer

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